Thursday, September 30, 2010

My new idea

I was driving to the chiropractor's today and a powerful idea came to me. I should start a Peace Walk. People from all over the country would come together at exactly the same time and walk one mile. The intention would be to walk with love, compassion, a desire to understand and respect those that are different than us, and to have peace throughout the world. It would not be an anti-anything walk. It would be a pro-peace walk. I am getting this idea out there right now even though it is half formed so that others can work on this with me and the idea can grow within me. Matthew says there is a blogger who has a new crazy blog everyday. Someone asked this blogger if he was afraid that he would run out of ideas and the blogger said no. He said that he gets his ideas out as soon as possible so that more can come. I am getting this idea out and moving forward with it. Save the date- a Peace Walk is coming your way!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bad Day

It was a pretty bad day. I felt very sad all day. It wasn't too much of an issue work wise, but it made dealing with one person that much more difficult. I think this is my test right now. In my past three jobs, counting this one, I have had a major issue with a non-natural born US citizen in each. It sounds terrible and xenophobic, but its like a language/cultural barrier.

So I guess first I have to figure out what all the issues are and then go from there.

I'm pretty tired so I'm going to crawl into bed now.

(I am looking forward to Saturday when we are going to try a new RPG: Spirit of the Century.)

Till tomorrow,


Monday, January 12, 2009

Weight Watchers

Matthew and I went to Weight Watchers tonight. The leader was awesome. She was engaging and positive and quite knowledgeable. I left there feeling like I could really do weight watchers and be successful. So Matthew and I talked about our opinions and he brought up a great point. He asked me how much it was. And I said $13 a week. And he said what does that get you. And I went, "Holy crap, they weigh you." So you are paying $13 to get weighed.

There is more to it than that. There is the meeting which is not just information or inspirational but supportive. The leader is there as a resource so you can ask her questions. But really, you paying week after week for a support group and a weigh in.

Matthew suggested that we try using an online tool that includes a community or forum. I think it would be great if we could do it for free, but I'm afraid I'm too lazy. But we'll see.

I'm tired tonight so that is it.

Till tomorrow,


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Life, work, and a mental explosion

I have not talked about boardgames in general yet and my love of them. Yesterday I played D&D and I would like to write a session report for that. But, I feel that my blog is not so much a "game review" location, but an area for me to stay on top of my thoughts and feelings. That being said, I am going to talk about what I want to do with my life.

I don't know.

I thought that I wanted to be a Montessori teacher. I even made the smart move of being an assistant for a year before I decided if it was what I wanted to do. I decided that it was and went to graduate school and then moved here to Phoenix for a teaching job. But that hasn't worked out for me. I seem to get too frustrated with administration. I also get frustrated when the children don't do what I expect them too. For anyone with children, or that works with children, this sounds like an idiotic statement. But what I mean is, when I do everything that I was taught, and I observe and analyze and try five different things, they still do something other than what I expect; and frankly, other than what I desire.

Looking back on my short list of posts, tt seems that I have been posting about my experiences teaching a lot. I made the error of thinking that I was going to graduate school to learn what I would do for the rest of my life. I also made the error of falling in love with Montessori and trusting it completely. Life is not full of black and white absolutes and now I need to figure out how to resolve this. Hopefully writing about it will do this.

If you've been following my blog you might be thinking at this point, what does it matter, she's not even teaching anymore, she's an office manager. Exactly. Do I want to be an office manager? Will I be bored with the job once I have learned everything there is to know? Will I continue to make egregious errors and be let go? (I made a major error that inconvenienced several people on Friday.) Is this the best use of my abilities, skills, and talents? I don't have the answers to these questions.

The one thing that I am sure of is that I am doing something positive in my life. I grew up in a union home and am 100% behind them. Beyond that, the more that I learn about SEIU the more that I support it. So at least I know that I am making the world a better place.

And maybe that is enough right now.

Thanks for listening to this mental explosion. Have a good Sunday.

Till tomorrow,


Saturday, January 10, 2009

1/9/09 Friday Night Recap

Although I committed to blog everyday, I will not be able to do so on Friday. And that is because Friday night is completely devoted to boardgaming. I have not had a chance to delve into my hobby and love, and I am actually not going to do so here. Instead I am going to give a session review for last night.

Matthew and I arrived at the Gamer's Inn around 6:30. Some of the group (Dion, Charles, Nathan, Dan, Matt, and Noah) were playing Medici and others were simply chatting (Rob E. and Rob S.) They wrapped up quickly with win for Noah. Charles pulled out Mecanisburgo and Matthew, Nathan, Eric, and I joined him.

Meanwhile, Dion left and the rest of the group split for a Chik-fil-a run and No Thanks. Upon their return, they pulled out Battlestar Gallactica The Boardgame.

While we were still playing Mecanisburgo, the remainder of the group moved on to Smarty Party. Rob E. left and some new comers hanging out in the store joined them. We wrapped up Mechanisburgo (I won) and played a quick game of Liar's Dice. I was shocked that Nathan hadn't played yet! Eric pulled out the win on that.

Matthew and I left after Liar's Dice. I hope that everyone continued to have a good time.

A huge thank you to Matthew for teaching me some HTML in order to add the pictures and links in this post. (Clearly I have more finesse to learn in order for it to actually look good!) Also, thanks to BoardGameGeek for all the images and awesome info.

Till tomorrow,


Thursday, January 8, 2009


To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream; ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come...

Indeed. What dreams may come. Today. Tonight. Tomorrow.

There seem to be many different viewpoints on dreams. They may be a way of our mind working things out from the day. They may be symbols for our lives and our futures. They may be nothing more than simple firings of neurons.

But whatever the case, dreams can be more real than the waking world. They can alter our moods and cause us to scream out loud.

I seem to be having somewhat frequent workmares. Obviously, they are nightmares about work. But there is a catch; it is not the job that I am currently working at. In fact, I don't believe that I dream about my job right now at all.

I dream about losing children. About being lost in the classroom. About being unhappy in the classroom. About being frustrated in the classroom. Hmmmm.....I think that I was lost, unhappy, and frustrated. But what do I do with it now? I have left that environment for the time being but clearly I have not resolved something. I believe that "something" is that I have failed at being a teacher.

When you lose confidence in yourself it is hard to see what positive skills you had. Especially since the end of teaching was so rocky for me. But there are some good things that I remember.

There is something joyous about a child coming up to you and talking to you. They have so much to share. And if you let them, they will tell you everything. I loved telling stories and looking around at enthralled faces. Or signing. Signing with children is so much fun. But I think the best part is when they teach you something. One day they may remind you how beautiful and miraculous the sprout of a new plant is. And the next, they remind you of your own patience. They always have a new perspective on something; a way that adults have forgotten to see. And love. They love and trust unconditionally. I need to remember that today in my new job in the business world. Love and trust everyone you work with. We are all working towards the same goals.

Now maybe my dreams can be populated with pleasant children and found memories. Maybe not. But what dreams may come...I am ready to work through.

Till tomorrow,


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jiminy Crikey

Crickets. We have crickets in our house. Does that mean we have good luck? I think sometimes it means that it takes me longer to get to sleep. Matthew says that the cricket sounds are soothing. I think that he has just gotten used to it.

At first, just walking toward the kitchen would scare the cricket and it would stop chirping. Then, you had to get into the kitchen first before it would be quiet. Then, talk. And now, if you go jump up and down, clap, and yell, it still chirps. Could it possibly be the same one? They only live two to three months.... Matthew thinks that we have been breeding crickets that are less sensitive to human sounds.
So, why would I write about a cricket? It is part of my life and I can not remove it. (It is in the drain pan of the refrigerator.) Therefore, I have to learn to live with it. And so I do. Is there really anything wrong with having a cricket chirping in your house?

No. The world is not ending. It does not affect my health or mental abilities. And according to some traditions, we have a little more luck in our day.

Till tomorrow,
